Friday, June 9, 2023


Reflective essays of Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk at Kampung Sungai Pusu.

My Role as a Preptech (preparing the cooking place)

- Table, chair, knives, basket, mat and etc


My name is Nurdina Sarah Binti Zulfauzi, from Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, with matric number 2111746. My leader has assigned me as a preptech of the Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk at Sungai Kampung Pusu. On 9 April 2023, during months of Ramadan, my Usrah team (MKitchen), made a Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk event at Surau Kampung Pusu. 

This reflective essay aims to express my experiences, challenges, and achievements during Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk at Kampung Sungai Pusu events. I had the pleasure of working with our team members and Kampung Sungai Pusu Gombak residents for the Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk during ramdhan. 

Positive Effect:

On April 9, 2023, we organized an activity in which we shared bubur lambuk with the Kampung Sungai Pusu community. That activity allows me to get to meet a lot of new people and collaborate with old ones. Then, one of the most enjoyable things that i will rember is seeing how hard my team worked on this bubur lambuk activity. I attend the morning session, which involves preparing bubur lambuk by cutting onion and washing the meat before serving it to the Kampung Sunagi Pusu communities. The bubur lambuk was also completed with the assistance of the community members, and there was no waste. In addition, the process of making lambuk porridge taught us the importance of strong collaboration and coordination. This programme will not be completed without the help of additional friends, and coordination between us may be impossible without our group leaders, Hatim and Aqilah.

Overcoming Challenges:

Undoubtedly, the journey was not without its fair share of challenges. Supposedly, the events of Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk required the resident to bring their own tupperware to take the porridge. This relates to sustainable development goals 12 which to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and sustainable developments goals 13, climate action. However, because of various causes and difficulties, they are unable to bring their food. As a result of overcoming these obstacles, our team has additional funds to purchase a plastic tupperware to put in the bubur lambuk. But, the tupperware can be reused and recycled for future use. It also can save the environment due to recycling and reuse of the tupperware.

Community Building:

This programme of Pengagihan of Bubur Lambuk is engaging with the Kampung Sungai community. It is a very enjoyable and interesting part of the events, as we can interact with the Kampung Sungai Pusu community. It also improves my confidence and communication skills when communicating with them. It is a must to have communication in order to ensure the events run smoothly. The Kampung Sungai Pusu community is really friendly and helpful. Effective communication should convey factual information while maintaining or building human relationships. As a result, communication skills are the foundation for community building between our team and the Kampung Sungai Pusu community.

Environmental Impact:

The project's core objective was to promote sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impact. As mentioned earlier, we use tupperware that can be recycled and reused for the future. Recycling and reuse helps in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by lowering energy use. The use of recycled resources in the manufacture of new items lowers the requirement for raw materials. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions caused by the extraction or mining of raw materials. This is related to sustainable development goals 13 which is climate change. 

Economic Empowerment:

The economics part of the project is to provide the Kampung Sungai Pusu with Bubur Lambuk during the months of Ramadhan. They can save money for iftar food by receiving free food (bubur lambuk). We also have several donors who are helping us buy utensils and goods like onions, rice, and beef to prepare the bubur lambuk.


In conclusion, I am very glad and thrilled to be a part of the Kampung Sungai Pusu engagement community to serve Bubur Lambuk with my team. This is my first time organizing a simple event with the Kampung Sungai Pusu community. This experience is one in a million. Even though we are busy with our own class and assignment, we still managed to make it thru the end. I felt lucky that I had the opportunity to do the Pengagihan Bubur Lambuk at Kampung SUngai Pusu during Ramadhan.

This event made us aware of the realities of community engagement events. It was so lovely to have a chance to engage with the Kampung Sungai Pusu community. Even though this is a simple event, it provides a wealth of wonderfulness and experience. Thus, we got a great experience while doing this activity. 

In addition, I got the feeling of engaging with the villagers even deeper even though we did interact with a few of them.  I believe every student will understand and appreciate this subject more than before. This subject is really interesting because it allows us to interact with people who are not contactable. We can establish a connection between them and improve a lot of skills, especially communication skills. Therefore, it is good for International Islamic University Malaysia to offer this subject to all the students.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


   Basically, the Usrah in Action subject teaches students how to serve and collaborate with society. It also relates with sustainable development in order to improve the community's quality of life. Community engagement is also a component of Fardhu Kifayah, which aims to help society to become a better society.

   Other than that, the course has four main activities: community events, such as gathering sessions with the community to get to know each other. Following that, community profiling collects data through observation, interviews, and surveys. Then, conduct a situational analysis using the framework for sustainable development. Finally, create a project proposal that describes the outcomes of a project. In short, the person most beloved by Allah is who the most beneficial to other.

Thank You.